Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
On Friday 22 May 2020 Cumberland County moves out of the Red Phase to the Yellow Phase. What does this mean for our Parish?
For all Catholic Churches in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Harrisburg that are in counties moving from the Red Phase to the Yellow Phase: There will be a delay for parishes in each county until the second weekend after the Governor’s date to ensure that the proper planning can be made for sanitation and adequate time is allowed for instructing parishioners about the new procedures available for the safety and well-being of all. For our parish, Our Lady of Lourdes, we will officially open in the “Yellow Phase” on Pentecost Weekend on May 30 and 31, 2020. Times for Masses is on Saturday at 5:00pm and on Sunday at 8:00am and 10:30am. Plus, all 8:00am masses will continue to be live streamed online. Masks are to be worn by all the Lay Faithful with in the Church. Occupancy of the Church is restricted to 1/3 of the total Church occupancy. Social distancing is to take place between individuals/families with six feet between people and an empty pew between the congregation. Also, during the “Yellow Phase” no Altar Servers and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion may serve at this time. Due to inadequate ventilation in the Confessionals there will be no Confession before Mass. Confessions will be by appointment. We will resume “Drive-by” Confessions in your car on Wednesdays at 5:00pm and Thursdays at 5:00pm. I will be under the tent for 45 minutes or until last car.
During the “Yellow Phase” there are to be no Social Gatherings. The Parish Center in the Church is closed, no gatherings at this time are to take place. The Parish Center will remain closed, however, the office will be open on Wednesday 03 June 2020 by appointment only following the guidelines and procedures set out by the Diocese.
I wanted to add I know that some of you if not most are concerned about your health. Bishop still grants the Dispensation from the Sunday Obligation:
Dispensation from the Sunday Obligation and Holy Days of Obligation hereby continues to be granted and remains in effect until further notice (cf. c. 87, 1247). The faithful. Should they not attend Mass, are encouraged to devote themselves to prayer for a suitable tie alone or as a family (cf. c. 1248). The precept to receive Holy Communion at least once a year during the Easter Season (Easter Duty) is hereby dispensed.
For those who cannot make or do not feel comfortable coming to Mass, Holy Communion will be offered each Sunday outside in front of the Parish Center starting 12:30pm. I ask that you watch the Mass online or you watch any Mass on Television. Time not to take advantage of the Sacrament rather a time grow to in Christ’s Love. I ask that you follow the signs during this time in the parking lot because we have some new traffic patterns and in the Church. This is trying times for us all but remember why we are here. We are coming to have a personal encounter with Christ Jesus. Let us help our Brothers and Sisters to have this same encounter.
Sincerely in Christ,
Reverend Richard J. Mowery
Mass Times
Online Mass*: Daily at 8:00am
Daily Mass: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 8:00 AM
Weekend IN Church Schedule will resume 30-31 May 2020
(Church will open 1/2 hour before Mass begins)
Saturday Vigil Mass: 5 PM
Sunday Mass: 8 AM (High Risk Population), 10:30 AM
*To continue even after IN Church masses resume.
Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick (Confessions): Begins June 3, 2020
Confessions are available immediately by appointment or Wednesdays and Fridays 5 PM in front of Parish Center
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in Church: (Time TBD)
Options for receiving Holy Communion: In the hand, on the tongue (you must kneel to receive)
Not comfortable coming to Mass? Watch Mass online or on Television